Friday, October 2, 2009

Grant Devine to Receive Order of Merit? WTF???

During all my years I thought that the Order of Merit was something special, something given to people of.... well.... merit. Not in Saskatchewan.

Enter disgraced former premier Grant Devine:

This is the man who:

-presided over one of the largest scandals perpetrated by a Canadian government
-racked up the provincial debt like no other and nothing to show for it
-ruined the Conservative Party in SK
-liked to make anti-gay slurs

Today, it was announced that he is going to receive the Order of Merit. I know it's hard to believe so read the official news release yourself:

I never had much respect for Saskatchewan Party leader and now Premier Brad Wall, an opinion shaped solely by his decision to keep his Fred Durst wanna-be sideburns after becoming premier. Now I have none.

This just goes to show where the Saskatchewan Party's loyalties lie..... Political patronage at it's worst. What next - give Brian Mulroney the Order of Canada??? DOH!

What an embarrassment!

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